LPM Fee Distribution
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80% Reward Pool
80% of the transaction fee is redistributed among liquidity providers based on the side of the market (e.g., "Bear" or "Bull") they are exiting or trading out of.
40% to Non-Betting LPs
Rewards liquidity providers who have not actively staked their LP tokens. This ensures even passive participants gain value from the protocol.
40% to Staking LPs
Rewards users who actively stake their liquidity tokens. This is designed to encourage active participation and alignment with market predictions.
Staking Promotion: Users are encouraged to stake LP tokens with a balanced allocation of 50% Bear and 50% Bull, ensuring market neutrality and fostering healthier liquidity dynamics.
20% Protocol Revenue
20% of the transaction fee is allocated to the protocol treasury (denoted as OWY) for long-term development, governance, and operational sustainability.